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Next Thursday 6th November, Fundació FC Barcelona, UNESCO and The European Parliament present their conclusions to the “Youth Voices Against Racism” programme. Next Thursday 6th November, the president of FC Barcelona Joan Laporta, the Vice-President Rafael Yuste will attend The European Parliament in Brussels for the for the presentation of the conclusions of the “Youth Voices Against Racism” programme, which started last May and involved Fundació FC Barcelona and UNESCO. The event is open to the press and it will begin at 14:00 in the The European Parliament, and among those present will be: - Marta Segú, Director General of Fundació FC Barcelona - Emine Bozkurt, MEP - Marcio Barbosa, Director General of Unesco - Hans Hesselmann, President of ECCAR (European Coalition of Cities Against Racism) - Lilian Thuram, ex-Barça player and President of "Éducation contre le racisme" The idea and objectives of “Youth Voices Against Racism” The Fundació FC Barcelona, UNESCO and The European Parliament have been involved in the programme called “Youth Voices Against Racism”, which intended to start up a unifying dialogue giving a voice to youth organizations, and members of the ECCAR (European Coalition of Cities Against Racism), and it has attempted to provide recommendations and guidelines which are applicable in their cities and geared towards fighting racism and discrimination while simultaneously fostering diversity. These forums for young people featured debates on a wide array of issues connected with racism such as: - Prevention and becoming aware of the need for tolerance of cultural diversity and peaceful community living. - Help for victims. - Raising awareness in the community and effective opposition

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